Most resin tipped extensions sold on Ebay are categorized by how much each extension weighs, and some sellers seem to think that the more hair in each extension the better they are. This unfortunately is not always the case, as an extension that is bulky will not blend into your hair as easily as a finer extension.
Think about when you most notice someone has hair extensions. It is usually because the extensions sit separately in the ends of the wearers Style and pop out unnaturally from their head, this is because they are too bulky.
At Starlight wigs we believe It is better to have resin tipped extension that have a lower density per extension, as this will not be as bulky and allow more air to travel to the wearers scalp. It is better to have the same amount of hair distributed over more extensions and over a wider area than to have less extensions that are bulkier spread out over your head.
When using a bulkier extension you usually need about 100 extensions and with finer extensions you may need more but it's well worth it to achieve a more natural evenly distributed look.
This is why where our competition may sell in the 100's we sell in the 110's.
Don't be fooled by anyone claiming that having more hair is each extension is a better deal it just mean's you will have to chop them up to get a finer finish and you may not have enough resin to keep them attached for long enough.